
A Brief Overlook On The Principles of Interior Designing

Think of one of the most beautiful rooms you have ever seen. What is it about the room that makes it so special? Is it the colours? The furniture? The pictures on the wall? Or just the way everything was put together? A well-designed room is the sum of all of these and much more. Even the blandest of rooms can be turned into eye-catching and stunning spaces with the help of interior designing.

What is interior designing?

Interior Designing is the art of transforming spaces using creativity, architectural knowledge, math, technicality and lifestyle choices. You can master this art by knowing some of the basic interior design principles. These principles act as guidelines upon which all interior design ideas are based.

What are the 7 interior design principles?

Here are the 7 time-tested and widely approved guidelines that will help you create fabulous interior designs.

  1. Balance: This is all about distributing the elements of the room evenly for a visual balance. These elements include everything from colour, shape, pattern and texture. Balancing all of these can create a feeling of equilibrium. When it comes to interior designing, balance includes 3 types – symmetrical, asymmetrical and radial. According to symmetrical balance, any space is split into two and both sides mirror each other.  Asymmetrical balance is much more interesting and a complicated approach because it does not follow the rules of symmetry. Finally, under the radial balance, there is a central focal point around which other objects are placed. 
  2. Emphasis: A well-designed interior has one point of interest that is the centre of attention. Everything else is arranged around it in order to enhance it. This acts as a focal point around which everything else in the room is based. You could use objects like a piece of furniture, an aquarium or a showpiece, a painting or even lighting. Creative use of lights is a great way to draw attention. 
  3. Scale and Proportion: Proportion is a very important aspect of interior designing. It is the ratio between objects. On the other hand, scale deals with how the size of one object relates to another or to the space in which it is placed. The designing aspects need to be in proportion as well as scale. There is a rule of proportion known as the golden section which reduces all proportions down to a single formula – The ratio of the smaller section to the larger section should be the same as that of the larger section to the whole. This is a universal formula that is seen in nature, architecture and various forms of arts. 
  4. Rhythm: Rhythm is all about repeating patterns and contrasts to create visual interest. This can be achieved by using the same colour or shape at different intervals. This is done in order to guide your eyes all around the room. This can be done by repeating a specific colour on the curtains, a painting nearby, along with a carpet on the floor. 
  5. Contrast: Contrast is the most popular element in interior design. It helps the place look more interesting and attention-grabbing. It is done by mixing different colours, giving the space a dramatic look. It can also be done by mixing textures or themes. However, one should be very careful to not overdo it. 
  6. Details: These are objects whose absence won’t quite be noticeable, but their presence makes a huge difference in the overall interior design. This can include minute things like small embroidery patterns on a pillowcase. They are very small and negligible, but put together in the large scheme of things, enhance your design.
  7. Unity: Unity can be observed in interior designing when all the elements in any space combine to create balance and harmony. All the elements used should complement each other. An understanding of the alignment of objects, coordination of colour, pattern, texture, spacing and repetition are some of the ways to achieve unity in your interior design.

Looking for expert interior designers who can transform your life by transforming your space? Get in touch with Novus, now!